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Lifting Lungs with Herbal Magic !

Lifting Lungs with Herbal Magic !

If you’re a smoker, dealing with respiratory infections, cold and flu season, or simply feeling groggy and congested. These herbs would ensure you heal, treat and clean out your lungs and bronchial tubes !

Peach Leaf

  • Health:
    • Heals upper respiratory allergies and irritation in eyes, nose and throat
    • Effective in healing coughs due to irritation of the throat and bronchial tubes
  • How to use: Tincture 1-10 drops of tincture 3x a day

(Matthew Wood 141-145)


  • Spiritually:
    • Helps build a relationship to the voice builds confidence and courage to express true feelings

How to use:

  • 2-3 tbsp of root to boil and simmer for 10-15 mins Drink 3x a day
  • Tincture: 5-10 ml 3x a day

(David Hoffman,70)


  • Health:
    • Has zinc within the leaves
    • Anti Inflammatory
    • Can be used in chronic or acute bronchitis
    • Heals irritating coughs, whooping coughs and asthma
    • When dealing with a chest infection use with a microbial remedy

How to use:

  • For coughs use with White Horehound and Mullein
  • For bronchitis use with Garlic or Echinacea
  • Tea- Pour a cup of boiling water onto 1-2 tbsp of dried flowers infuse for 10 minutes
  • Drink 3x a day as hot as you can
  • Tincture 2-4 ml 3x a day

(David Hoffman 66-67)


  • Health:
    • Leaf - Cures Lung and bronchial issues, spasmodic coughs, emphysema, bronchitis, hard and painful coughs, sore throat, tuberculosis,
    • Treats inflammation of the respiratory tract
    • Nervousness/ Insomnia


  • How to Use:
    • Use with white horehound,coltsfoot, and lobelia
    • Drink 3x a day steep for 20-25 mins
    • Smoke Mullein Leaves for lung issues

(Karen M. Rose 39)


  • Health:
    • Beneficial and tonic for the whole complex of the lungs
    • Treats Bronchial coughs especially in children
    • Antibacterial effect
    • Used to heal Bronchitis and asthma
    • Used to treat Tuberculosis
  • How to use:
    • Use with Mullein, white horehound, coltsfoot, and Yarrow
    • Tea: Pour water over root let steep for 8-10 hours Heat up and take very hot 3x a day
    • Tincture 1-2 ml 3x a day


  • Health
    • Heals irritated and distress in in any of our mucous membranes
    • Heals irritated bronchial passages
    • Good for many respiratory complaints

(Karen M. Rose 39)

  • Spiritually:
    • Healing Herb
    • Draws in good spirits
  • How to use:
    • Use with licorice and white horehound and coltsfoot for chest problems
    • Tea: Use 1 tbsp of chopped herb and boil gently let simmer for 10-15 mins
    • Drink 3x a day
    • Tincture: 1-4 ml 3x a day

(David Hoffman 56)


  • Health
    • Clears the airways and expels the buildup of mucous out of the lungs
    • Effective and heals coughs, bronchitis, sore throat, tuberculosis, and asthma
    • Anti-inflammatory and Astringent
  • How to use:
    • Drink 3x a day- 2 tbsp of dried leaves and boil and steep for 10 minutes


  • Health:
    • Builds and supports the body’s immune system useful for infections of the upper respiratory tract
    • Heals sinusitis, bronchitis, chronic abd acute sore throats and colds and flus
  • Health:
    • Builds and supports the body’s immune system useful for infections of the upper respiratory tract
    • Heals sinusitis, bronchitis, chronic abd acute sore throats and colds and flus

How to use:

  • Only use for 7-10 days and only for acute symptoms
  • Tea 1 tbsp in 2 cups of water. Boil and simmer for 20-25 mins. Drink ½ cup 2x a day
  • Tincture: 10-60 drops 3x a day. Take 5-10 drops every 1-2 hrs for acute symptoms.
  • Minimize dosage as you heal within the span of 7-10 days.

WARNING:Individuals with autoimmune issues, leukemia, vertigo, dizziness DO NOT USE

(Karen M. Rose 184-185)

White Horehound

  • Health
    • Treats Respiratory Infections
    • Treats Bronchitis
    • Relaxes the Muscles of the Bronchioles while promoting Mucous Production
    • Treats Whooping Cough

How to Use:

  • Use with Coltsfoot, Lobelia, and Mullein
  • Tea: Boil ½ tbsp- 1 tsp of dried herb
  • Let infuse for 10-15 minutes
  • Drink 3x a day
  • Tincture: Take 1-2 ml 3x day.

(David Hoffman 66)


  • Spiritually:
    • Good for starting the journey on self-forgiveness and forgiving others
    • Breaks down one’s emotional walls and allows tears to flow
    • Builds self esteem ,love and confidence for one self
    • Promotes advocating for oneself

WARNING: DO NOT USE during Pregnancy

How to Use:

  • Boil 1-4 fresh ginger cloves for 10-15 minutes.
  • Drink hot 3x a day.

(Patricia Lezama, Karen M.Rose 60-61 )








It is clarified and emphasized that the content appearing on the Website of Ms.Lezama Organics  (the “Website”) concerning the use of herbal medicines, does not constitute a medical opinion, medical advice or professional opinion. The information appearing on the Website ,is provided for general informational and educational purposes only and does not constitute a substitute for a professional opinion from a doctor and/or other professional and is not a treatment plan. Accordingly, before taking any actions based upon such information, we encourage you to consult with the appropriate professionals. We do not provide any kind of medical/health advice. Many herbal medicines are not recommended for people who are pregnant, nursing, have a medical condition or take medications. Please consult your doctor prior to use if you have any concerns or questions. Ms.lezama Organics shall not bear any responsibility in cases of reliance on information transmitted within the framework of the Website . The use or reliance of any information contained on the Website is solely at your own risk.
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